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  • Writer's pictureLeonora Lo-oy

15 yKalinga troops join roster of elite scout rangers

Updated: Jun 23

Tabuk City, Kalinga – Fifteen brave and strong yKalingas join elite force to secure the country against internal threats posed by terrorist groups and insurgent movements.


These 15 are among the 163 members of the Scout Ranger Course (SRC) INTREPIDOS Class 222-2023 who survived and completed the 8-month SRC rigorous training at First Scout Ranger Regiment (FSRR) Headquarters at Camp Pablo Tecson in San Miguel, Bulacan on June 13.


SRC is a program designed to train troops into becoming scout rangers, specializing in anti-guerrilla warfare and counter-insurgency operations. The course aimed at preparing rangers to operate in high-stress combat environments and to excel in other missions that extremely require physical and mental fitness.


Twelve of the 15 are army enlisted personnel, 2 are army officers, and one is an enlisted Philippine National Police personnel.


After their graduation ceremony, the new yKalinga scout rangers were welcomed by the The Scout Ranger Alumni Association – Kalinga Chapter.


Since its creation in 1950 to address threat of insurgency like the Hukbalahap, the First Scout Ranger Regiment has been on the frontline during insurgency and security challenges in the country like the Zamboanga Siege in 2013 and the Battle of Marawi in 2017.

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