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Aguinaldo LGU commended for blood donation, health efforts

Writer's picture: Aguinaldo LGUAguinaldo LGU

Aguinaldo, Ifugao – The local government of Aguinaldo’s commitment and initiative in improving the health care quality in the locality received commendation from the provincial government and the regional health department.

During the nutrition awarding held in Baguio City on November 21, the Regional Nutrition Committee and the National Nutrition Council – Cordillera recognized Aguinaldo for its commendable performance in sustaining below 10 percent prevalence rate of stunting among 0-59 months old children.

The data is based on the result of 2022 Operation Timbang Plus, the annual weighing and height measurement to identify malnourished children and aids in nutritional assessment, planning, management and evaluation of local nutrition programs.

During the launching of Health Care Provider Network in Banaue on November 23, Aguinaldo’s Municipal Health Office was cited as “performing and compliant” based on the LGU’s Health Score Card 2022 and the Field Health Services Information System Report Score Card 2023.

The same town received recognition for its exemplary efforts in attaining a Zero Open Defecation (ZOD) Level I, as validated by the Provincial ZOD Verification Team. Said status means households are sharing sanitary toilets to avoid open defecation.

Voluntary blood donation efforts

Under the leadership of Mayor Gaspar Chilagan Jr., Aguinaldo LGU acknowledges the importance of donating blood as a life-saving element thus, the regular blood-letting activity.

The efforts of concerned offices did not go unnoticed as the provincial government conferred them an accolade for their sustained and unwavering support to the Voluntary Blood Donation Program of the Ifugao Provincial Blood Council.

Barangays Awayan and Halag likewise got the same citations, while blood galloner Eduard Esteron obtained a citation for his extraordinary contribution to blood donation events in town.

Mayor Chilagan Jr. lauded the dedication of its constituents and encouraged them to carry on the outstanding work for the people of Aguinaldo.



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