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  • Writer's pictureBalbalan LGU

Balbalan ends Mayor’s Taekwondo Summer Camp; youth trained in self-defense

Balbalan, Kalinga – It was a fulfilling and productive summer for the children in Balbalan as they spent their vacation learning self-defense through the Mayor’s Taekwondo Summer Camp.

Said training which was initiated by Balbalan Municipal Local Government Unit started in July and culminated on September 17.

The summer camp which was initially designed to accommodate just a batch of children where they will be trained for 20 days in July this year, happened in two batches after many other kids were interested to learn taekwondo. The training of the second batch transpired in September.

Mayor Almar Malannag earlier said that the Mayor’s Taekwondo Summer Camp was pitched to him by Vice Mayor Rowina Damian and that he immediately supported the idea to provide another avenue for the youth to hone their skills and learn self-defense which is very important nowadays.

The mayor likewise expressed he envisioned these iBalbalan youth to be competing in national and international tournaments in the future.

The Office of the Municipal Mayor conveyed their gratitude to the trainers who did not just teach the kids in Balbalan martial arts but also instilled in them discipline which they could apply not just in sports but in their everyday activities.


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