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  • Writer's pictureChristian Malnawa

Dead man found in Pinukpuk identified by relatives

Pinukpuk, Kalinga – The male cadaver recovered by authorities along the Chico River in Catabbogan, Pinukpuk was identified by his relatives morning of Thursday, June 27, 2024.

The identity of the cadaver was confirmed by his family who went this morning to the Funeraria Jose- Carbonel in Villalaida, Tuao, Cagayan.

It was known that the deceased was a certain William Cagdan, a resident of Malagnat, Pinukpuk and a former member of the Citizen Armed Force Geographical Unit.

In an interview with a relative, the victim, who came from Sitio Sugyang, Malagnat, delivered some harvested bananas to their house in Centro Malagnat on Monday, June 24.

In the afternoon of same date, he headed back to their house at Sitio Sugyang. However, to reach the area, he needed to cross the Malagnat River.

When he was about to cross, it was then that the tragic drowning happened. The Malagnat River is connected to the Chico River, where his body was recovered.

To recall, the victim’s body was found Wednesday, June 26 at the Chico River, particularly in Catabbogan, Pinukpuk. He was wearing an athletic shirt with 'ARMY' markings and black shorts.

A bolo holder was also seen on the victim’s waist. On his neck, was a 'breathing device', according to PNP Pinukpuk. He was said to have undergone a medical operation in the past months thus the object found on his neck.

The victim’s body was later retrieved by the personnel of PNP Pinukpuk and BFP Pinukpuk following a notification from residents in said area.

He was brought to the Pinukpuk District Hospital where he was declared dead by his attending physician. He was eventually ferried to the funeral shop in Tuao, Cagayan for post-mortem care.

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