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  • Writer's pictureChristian Malnawa

Flora LGU begins blood donation drive to secure adequate reserves

Flora, Apayao – As part of their goal to improve the quality of health status of residents and secure adequate blood reserves in the Municipality of Flora, its local government unit started conducting various activities related to public health.

On Monday, March 18, the LGU hosted a blood donation drive, one of the planned activities this year to strengthen its health facilities and services to better provide the needed health care services of its people.


The life-saving activity generated 52 units of blood from residents of Barangay Poblacion West, Atok, Balasi, and Malubibit Sur.

The extracting team is from the Rural Health Unit of Flora headed by Dr. Karizza Joie Hurtado, MHO, the Provincial Health Office headed by Dr. Mark Joleen Calban, and Farnorth Luzon General Hospital and Training Center.


Before the extraction of blood, Flora residents who were present in the venue were first oriented on the benefits of the activity to motivate more individuals to join the cause.


It was specifically emphasized that aside from its benefit to the donor itself, the ultimate goal of the event is saving people in need of blood during emergencies. As the local government wrote, ‘A bag of blood can be a lifeline for someone.’


The LGU headed by Mayor Rodolfo B. Juan also commended blood donors, emphasizing that the voluntary decision of its people to donate blood manifested the significance of community spirit and helping those in need.


Meantime, apart from the blood donation drive, other activities and projects considered for implementation this year for the prioritization of public health are the provision of Material Recovery Facilities (MRFs), sanitary facilities, and seed distribution programs.


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