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  • Writer's picture Mark Moises Calayan

Grade 10 student from Cagayan bags 6 medals at World Academic Competition

Cagayan, Philippines - Jesu Manzano, a Grade 10 student hailing from Cagayan, showcased his academic brilliance on the global stage by clinching six medals in the recently concluded World Scholar's Cup Tournament of Champions held at Yale University, USA.

The World Scholar’s Cup Tournament of Champions is an annual international academic competition that attracts over 15,000 students from more than 65 countries each year.

In this prestigious event, Manzano demonstrated his academic prowess across various disciplines such as science and technology, history, literature, music and the arts, and society. His remarkable performance earned him three gold medals and three silver medals.

As one of the four students representing Ateneo de Manila University, he proudly served as a representative of the Philippines in this global competition.

Beyond the medals, Manzano achieved the title of the top 162 champion scholar out of the 2,700 competitors.

Expressing gratitude on his social media account, Manzano acknowledged the unwavering support of his parents throughout the entire journey. His father hails from San Juan, Pamplona, while his mother is a native of Sanchez Mira, Cagayan.

"Behind the medals that we bring home are parents who sacrificed so much just to bring us here. From sacrificing time from their very busy schedules to accompanying us from Bangkok to the States, they showed their love and appreciation for all of us. Rather than spending much just for us to be here, they give us what we need most: time, love, and presence," he said.

Manzano expressed his deep appreciation for his parents' patience and unwavering support, recognizing the unique support system that allowed him to thrive and stand out.

In total, the Ateneo Philippine team achieved remarkable success in the tournament, securing a total of nine golds and 14 silvers.

The accomplishments of Jesu Manzano and the entire team highlight the academic excellence and dedication of Filipino students on the global stage.



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