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  • Writer's picturePudtol LGU

IMNAS ken TAER ti Pudtol 2024 crowned

Updated: 1 day ago

Pudtol, Apayao - The three-day festivity, “9th Pinya Festival,” is over and Pudtol has crowned its new Imnas ken Taer 2024 during the Coronation Night held at the EKB gymnasium, on June 29.

The prestigious search was the highlight and culmination activity of the 9th Pinya festival of the municipality, featuring its theme, "Harvesting Gains: Cultivating Productivity to Sustain Growth with yPudtol pride."

There were 8 Imnas candidates and another 8 Taer candidates who represented their respective clusters in the pageant. After careful deliberation of the board of judges, the new Queen and King were chosen to represent the town in next year’s provincial pageant search.

During the Coronation program, Ms. Vivienne Joy Padayao won the most coveted title, Imnas ti Pudtol after her spectacular performance on stage from the pre-pageant to the final night, demonstrating consistently her wit and elegance in all the pageant's portion.

Padayao's superb dominance on stage was evident through her various accolades including Best in Talent, Best in Isnag Attire, Most Articulate, Darling of the Crowd, and Ms. Puputi Nature Farms Tourism Ambassadress.

Her advocacy on youth empowerment, teenage pregnancy prevention, and community welfare has captivated the hearts of the audience. She attributes her triumph to her source of inspiration, her supportive family, relatives and friends who stayed awake cheering her up all throughout the competition.

Meantime, Mr. Aeron John Galla was crowned the Taer ti Pudtol 2024. He was adorned with awards such as Best in Isnag Attire, Best in Creative Attire, best in Formal Attire, Most Articulate and Darling of the Crowd.

As for the runners up, Imnas candidate number 8 secured the 1st runner-up, and awarded the Best in Creative and Formal Attires. Imnas Candidate number 2 clinched the 2nd runner-up and got the Best in Production Number, Best in Swimwear, and Queen of the Ramp.

For the Taer category, Taer candidate number 2 won the 1st runner-up and Best in Production Number. Taer candidate number 7 settled for the 2nd runner-up and conferred the Best in Talent award and best in swimwear.


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