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Kalinga police plans youth summit for Betwagan, Butbut sub-tribes

Writer: Tinglayan LGUTinglayan LGU

Updated: Aug 15, 2022

Tabuk City, Kalinga –With the aim to promote harmony and create closer ties among youth from subtribes of Betwagan, Sadanga and Butbut in Bugnay, Tinglayan, the Kalinga police have planned to hold a Youth Summit for the said group this year.

The police didn’t disclose what particular activities to be held during the summit, but sports and lectures could be included.

Betwagan and Butbut subtribes have been entangled with a longtime boundary dispute that resulted in conflicts.

Nevertheless, leaders from Kalinga Province and Mt. Province as well as line agencies have continuously facilitated means to attain settlement in peaceful manner.

Positive developments have been seen recently.

Before holding the youth summit, the Police conducted a three-day art orientation workshop from July 25-27, 2022 as prelude to the proposed activity.

The outputs of participants during the workshop were displayed for an exhibit and auction on July 27. But the selling of the art works continues in order to raise enough fund for the youth summit.

According to Kapulisan ng Kalinga, the Art Immersion and Exhibit for a Cause was made possible by the Philippine National Police (PNP) Officers’ Ladies Club (OLC) Kalinga Chapter headed by their adviser, Joyce Tagtag.

The group was joined by members of Pasakalye group of artists who served as facilitators during the event -Julius Lumigued, Rochelle Bakisan, Angelica Rosalin, and Femy Lamsis.

Participants were police personnel and their family members.

Purpose of the art immersion activity

The activity encourages children's engagement, appreciation, understanding and communication of their creativity through art works.

This also aimed to give leisure activities for the participants particularly children, as it coincides with their school holiday.

Kalinga police said this will not only benefit the participants in enhancing their hidden talents in the arts but also in encouraging them to do something for the greater good.


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