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  • Writer's pictureLeonora Lo-oy

‘No reason to rebel against gov’t with developments coming to Tanudan’ - Mayor Dagadag

Updated: Oct 30, 2021

Tanudan, Kalinga — With the formal turn over of the 4.6-kilometer Dalnacan – Mangali via Taloctoc provincial road to Tanudan recently, Mayor Jaedicke Rhoss Dagadag expressed that this development shows how the government is doing its best to make life among communities better and easier, that they have no reason to rebel.

The said 4.6-kilometer provincial road is worth P120 million and was funded by the Department of Interior Local Government’s Conditional Matching Grant to Provinces Program. The road benefits seven barangays in Tanudan - Lower Taloctoc, Upper Taloctoc, Anggacan, Anggacan Sur, Lower Mangali, Poblacion Mangali, and Centro Mangali.

In a documentary made by the Kalinga Public Information Office, Dagadag mentioned that the usual reason why some individuals rebel against the government is the hardships in life, blaming the government for not being able to provide the needed developments that could make their life easier.

Now with the developments coming to the different communities, Dagadag said there is no reason for the people to rebel against the government.

“Awan met siguron iti rason ngay a mapan da pay lang iti sabali a banag nu napintas iti kwan[development] iti ili,” he said, adding that the people should now cooperate with the government.

“Dagita daduma met ket isu lang pagras-rason da a mapan iti NPA ta gapu iti kastoy, kinurakot da iti kastoy wennu kunada iti kalsada…haan met siguro nga idi ket haan met siguro nga kinurkurakot idi ta talaga nga awan iti pondo ngem tatta kuma nga adda iti pondo iti gobyerno tayo ket pumati tayo met a iti gobyerno tayo ta aramiden da met piman amin. Lumaka amin iti biyag,” he said.

‘Kabutbuteng iti dalan idi’

Mayor Dagadag recalled that it was his father who was once a mayor in Tanudan who opened the road going to Taloctoc to Mangali. However, despite of the road opening, there is still a high risk of vehicular traffic accidents.

“Idi ket talaga a mabuteng ka ta nangatu ngay, nalipit iti kalsada, nangatu pay tapos iti kabuteng ko ket diay maigalis iti lugan mo karkaru nu agtudo. Narigat idi,” Dagadag recalled.

Impact of the project

But with the 4.6-kilometer Dalnacan – Mangali via Taloctoc provincial road that benefits seven barangays, mobility and transport of products are easier, and that it is already safer now to travel.

Apart from this, Dagadag also mentioned that it is also easier and faster to implement projects with the construction of the said provincial road. He also added that during project implementation, the local government will no longer have to pay for high shipment fees of materials, for the road is already safe and accessible.

“Imbis a mapan para iti shipment iti daduma ket mainayun pay nga, mainayun pay iti pondo tapnu kasta dadakkel iti mapanan na ti pondo,” he said.

Moreover, the mayor also said that the road is beneficial to the schools in the area, for it will no longer be a hassle for them to transport the materials they need at school. This is also the same with the patients, as they can already be brought faster to the hospital should they need medical assistance or intervention.

Dagadag then expressed his gratitude to the DILG and to the provincial local government unit for the said project and to their unending support to Tanudan. He also expressed hope that the said provincial road will be extended to benefit more constituents in the municipality.


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