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Over 24.6M contract farming program in Kalinga launched

Writer:  Mark Moises Calayan Mark Moises Calayan

Updated: Jun 23, 2024

Tabuk City, Kalinga – The contract farming program (CFP) directly benefiting farmers or irrigators in the country is now being implemented in Kalinga by the National Irrigation Administration (NIA).

CFP primarily aims to help farmers or irrigators boost their production in order for them to earn more income. 

With the program, the farmer-beneficiaries will no longer need to borrow money from other sources as they will be provided with P50,000 worth of farm inputs such as rice seeds, fertilizers, and pesticides per hectare every cropping season.

Additionally, the beneficiaries will receive P50,000 compensation if they can deliver a minimum production target of five metric tons or at least 100 sacks of palay per hectare after their harvest.

A total funding of P24.6 million was allotted by the NIA for its implementation in Kalinga.

The program was launched in the province on May 28, 2024 following the signing of a memorandum of agreement between the NIA and the irrigators associations (IAs) in Kalinga and Isabela located within the Upper Chico River Irrigation System (UCRIS).

Only one farmer group in Kalinga signed the contract with NIA during the launching – it is the Pangul Quintin Vicente FIA in Rizal.

For further information on how to avail the program, IAs or FCAs should visit NIA-Kalinga office located in Purok 6, Bulanao, Tabuk City.

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