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  • Writer's pictureTinglayan LGU

RTC Judge Angog reminds Tinglayan officials to engrave sworn oath in their heart

Updated: Jul 4, 2022

Tinglayan, Kalinga – Speaking before the public, Regional Trial Court Branch 25 Judge Jerson Angog advised Tinglayan municipal officials who took their oath of office to engrave in their heart the pledge they made on Thursday, June 23.

Angog served as the officiating officer during the Oath-taking and Turn-over Ceremony of re-elected and newly-elected municipal officials of Tinglayan which took place at the Municipal Tribal Peace Hall.

“…Anji ayu un napili we mangimatun an ili tau ad Tongrayan, sapay kuma ta ipuso yu anji we insapata yu anji ani kanad,” he told them.

Angog stressed that they must become servants first before claiming that they are leaders, quoting words from the bible, Mathew 20:26 “But among you it will be different. Whoever wants to be a leader among you must be your servant”.

With this, he said that the officials ran for said positions during the elections because they are willing to serve the people.

Angog explained the officials should then perform their obligations to their constituents who expect good leadership.

The elected officials were likewise reminded to listen to their constituents.

“In proverbs 11;14, it says there ‘when there is no guidance the people will fall but in an abundance of councilors there is victory’,” he cited.

He then encouraged the legislative department and executive department to be one with their goals toward development highlighting that when an organization is united towards one goal, all good things shall follow.

He also solicited the support of every Tinongrayan to their officials for development goals to be achieved.

For those who did not win during the elections, the lawyer challenged them to remain as public servants.

They may not have been given the chance to have a position in the local government unit but they can still serve the municipality as a citizen of the country and as an yTinglayan, he concluded.


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