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  • Writer's pictureChristian Malnawa

Tinglayan residents given free Tuberculosis test and medication

Tinglayan, Kalinga – Around 150 Tinglayan residents availed of free mobile X-ray and GeneXpert tuberculosis tests during the TB Health plus Caravan conducted through the Department of Health in partnership with the Philippine Business for Social Progress (PBSP) held on Tuesday, June 29, 2021.

This is in support to the government’s pursuit to achieve a Tuberculosis-free nation in adherence to the 2017-2022 Philippine Strategic TB Elimination Plan.

Concepcion Osleg of the Tinglayan Municipal Health Office said that those who have positive test result will be given medication for a duration of six months and shall be monitored further by barangay health authorities.

"They will be provided medications and undergo check-up and sputum collection every end of the 2nd, 5th and 6th month until cured. If TB persists and 6 months is not enough, MHO and DOH will continue to provide TB services for them," Osleg said.

Data from the Municipal Health Office reveals that TB cases in the area range from 17 to 30 annually.

Osleg said that the disease could spread when a TB-infected person coughs, sneezes and talks. The treatment, she said, could last from 6 months to two years. The duration, she added, depends on the type of TB the person contracted.

The disease type include Pulmonary TB, Extra pulmonary TB, TB lymphadenitis, Skeletal TB, Miliary TB, Genitourinary TB, Liver TB, Gastrointestinal TB, TB meningitis, TB peritonitis, TB pericarditis and Cutaneous TB.

"TB shouldn't be taken lightly. Even just one TB case can infect 10 individuals. If not detected it can harm the community," Osleg said.

With the provision of the free TB health care, a beneficiary identified as Antonio Onggao expressed gratitude for said government service.

"I'm really thankful that the government is providing services like this for free. It is really helpful especially for us who do not have enough money to get ourselves checked at hospitals,” he stated.

Tinglayan Municipal Information Officer Larae Lactao said the test result will be given to recipients in one or two weeks’ time through their barangay midwives.

The initiative through provisions of sufficient and responsive delivery of healthcare services aims to reduce the burden and achieve zero-catastrophic cost of TB- related sickness not only in the municipality of Tinglayan, but in the country, as a whole.


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